Saturday, January 11, 2014

Two days in the Tasman Sea

So what do you do when you are rockin'on the Tasmen Sea?  There is a whole lot to do, or nothing at all. Yesterday we read, I went swimming while the pool water simulated the all wash from one side to the other while I went with it. It was crazy! A lot like the pool in Vegas that simulates the ocean waves.  We went to a great presentation on marupials... ok, that doesn't sound like it was much fun but it really was interesting and today the naturalist is doing a presentation on the night sky in the southern hemisphere. Something we will be seeing for the next two months.

The entertainment last night was really beautiful.  Van Anh and Chris Howlet.  A concert pianist and cellist from AU.  They were really magnificent and got a standing ovation. Well deserved.  Tonight is a voalist from AU. Once again, I have to say we have gotten our money's worth just out of the superb entertainment we have had.  It is not to be missed, and we haven't.

We appreciate all of you have commented on our blog. We love hearing from you and will be more attentive to our email once we have unrestricted email in Sydney in our apartment starting Friday, Jan. 17.  Happy days!

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