Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday, January 30,2014 - Sydney Town Hall and St. Andrews Cathedral Concert

This is the Sydney Town Hall George Strreet. It was opened in 1889. It is next to the St. Andrews Anglican Cathedral.  It is actually built on an old cemetary where all of the graves were dug up and moved outside the city of Sydney.

This is the orgimall chamber which has a beautiful domed ceiling. 

This is Centennial Hall with a hugh beautiful organ.

Viewof the organ from the second floor.

Captain Cook who founded Australia

Our guide Kieran Tonge, a retired 40 year employee in the Town Hall. He told a joke:  What do you call a french crabby insect?  Andwer:  A crossant.

Captain Phillip who founded Sydney

Art gallery in the basement of the Town Hall

Stained glass window in the St. Andrews Anglican CAthedral. It was built in 1868 aand is the oldests cathedral in AU.  The gentleman who was the "Welcomer" at the CAthedral told us a joke.  What is the difference between a terrorist and a organist?  Answer: You can negotiate with a terrorist.  We were at the cathedral for a lunch time organ concert! 

Banana split gelatto sundae for lunch at the Westfield 5thfloor.


  1. I'll have what Tom's having...that banana split sundae looks good enough to devour instantly! What a wonderful tour you had complete with jokes! Looks like a grand day. I'm amazed at how much there is to see and do and you seem to be doing it all!

  2. Got to ask about that backpack with the tiny tiny little green strings. You'll have to take a photo of Papa from behind so we can see what it looks like!
