Sunday, January 26, 2014

Australia Day - January 26 Hurrah!

The Australia Day MS Colour 5 K Run was so much fun. It started at 9 am and we were there with our sign that we made. (Ours was the ONLY sign there)  When we were waiting for things to get revved up, I was sitting on a bench next to a homeless looking old man. When people saw my sign, instead of reading it, they looked away like I was pan handling... If I had only had a cup I could have raised some funds for MS!

At the beginning of the run, they had Zumba and everyone really got into it. They DJ played the songs, the the over 2,000 participants got right to it.

These two were the Zumba leaders

We stood at the entryway to the finnish line and cheered them all in. Each and everyone of them.

WE chatted with so many people and lots lots of them gave us jugs, wantedto have their picture taken with them, gave us a thumbs up, cheered for us!, and hugged us. The MS staff gaveus each a T shirt and welcomed us to Sydney, AU.

After the Ms event, we had a great aussie breakfast at and outside restaurant.After at rest back at the apartment, we went to the Meyer DEpartment store about three blocks from us and did some clothes shopping. Time to replace a few things.  

Dinner at a pizza cafe on the water followed by the BIG fireworks and laser light display ended our first (and probably only) Australia Day. 


  1. really got some great shots. Love your SIGN. Maybe you started something new. Cool that they gave you T-shirts!

  2. Did you get a few ideas for the next Challenge Walk? That looked really neat.
