Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The beautiful, scenic Duoro Valley

Going through the locks


Scenes from the river

An amazing day with Louis and his 27 employees at their vineyards harvesting olives and tasting wine all accompanied by the drummer and squeeze box.

Views of the vineyard

Olive harvesting

The train runs through the valley and it would be a fabulous trip to take someday 

Sidewalk tiles 

Sandeman vineyards

Olive trees, cork bark, herbs, Rosemary bushes and rose bushes planted to be able to "read" the soil

Train station

Shopping in Pinhoa


  1. Gramsy... rocking the collage pictures! Nice work. What a fun adventure... and you're only three weeks into your voyage! Can you expain the Puritan in the cape? Obviously a tour guide, but where/what?

  2. you guys look great! i love the photo of you helping to harvest the olives. well done. wine & olives!? throw in some cheese and i can see myself in pinhao permanently!

  3. So glad that Portugal has lived up to itself!

    BTW, how much was the laundry service at the Rossio in Lisbon?

  4. Photos are unbelievable...some of the landscapes look like paintings. Drink it in as they say! Loved the video of you harvesting the olives and that music was so charming. That's another world over there. Bring it home with you and do some painting!!
