Saturday, November 8, 2014

Alfama stroll, our last day in Lisbon

Our laundry done by the hotel.
 Looked like brand new clothes only costing 46 E. Ouch!

Piri piri chicken from Bonjardin, the place right behind our hotel that always smelled so good wafting in our window.

The castle on the hill in Lisbon. So high above the city.
  We took a taxi up to get there due to the steep hills.

Peacocks at the castle.

Statue at the castle.

Beautiful views from the Alfama neighborhood.

Very old apartment in the background

The Tagus river.

Overlook of Lisbon from the Alfama area.

Beautiful tiled  panoramic pictures

Zingza , a tasty cherry port in a chocolate cup.

A restaurant recommended by R.Steves on the eating lane. 
Check It out if you are in Lisbon. 
They have folk dancing and entertainment on  Saturday afternoons.  


  1. Love the pictures. Thanks for taking the time to share. Just beautiful! Glad to hear that you have some warm weather. They are talking snow and 17 mph snow here on Tuesday! Hope that thought makes your time in Europe all the sweeter!

  2. Cheers, Gramsy! That cherry port looks deelish!

  3. i want the cherry port in the chocolate cup!!
