Thursday, December 11, 2014

More of Brussels and our visit with Claire in Gent

This is my new friend Claire from Gent who I met online. She is helping me with our DeNoble family geneology. She gave Tom and I a wonderful walking tour of Gent. This is a beautiful city with much to offer. The bottom right picture is Claire with her friend who generously offered to show us his house which he restored. It was built in 1140. It is four floors and is in a neighborhood of very old buildings which are being turned into art studios and restaurants. 

The sun came out for us in Gent and the day was lovely to go along with the beauty of the city.

This is a famous mustard store which dates back many centuries. You can bring back your container to refill it with their mustard. 

Claire and I next to the old castle.
The old castle which is being restored.

St. Nicholas Church. 

We saw the Ghent altarpiece in the cathedral. You are not allowed to take photos. This is the piece that is one of the pieces recovered from the Nazi's in the Austrian salt mines  by the Mounment Men - now a movie.  

I found these photos on line since we were not able to take pictures ourselves. 
The panels are just priceless. 

Next to the little white building stood the guillotine in the old days. 

The graffiti lane, the candy which is called "Belgians noses",
 and a couple having their wedding picture taken at the old cannon.  

Beautiful holiday window boxes in Brussels. 

The BEST quiche and tasty lasagna. 

We had dinner at this restaurant the first night in Brussels with Maureen and her friends. 

This is the old wall in Brussels very near Maureen's apartment in the "Diplo Dorm. "

Notre Dame Cathedral in Brussels. 


  1. Wow, Ghent looks amazing! So glad you got to go there and meet Claire!

  2. Love the old castle and the St. Nicholas church. Your photo of the canal is National Geographic worthy! Clair looks like she could be from Door County Wisconsin. Did you invite her to visit?

  3. Wow. Such amazing beauty.

  4. I recognized those panels from the movie! So cool that you got to see them in person. Probably a good idea not to allow photos--flashes and all. They have been through enough already! Jim is hoping you (or Tom)
    are keeping a list of all beers consumed on this adventure.
