Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Last day in Amsterdam - canal tour, bus tour, and on the ship the Amacerto..

The Amacerto ship with Amawaterways.  Christmas on the Rhine.
  Our room and a rose they gave me the first night.

The floating flower market in Amsterdam. These are HUGE amaryllis bulbs.

The sun coming up at 9:30 am.

Scenes from the canal tour. The bottom left is a stone put in the house to identify who lived here. These were put in during the reign of Napoleon

TheNational Opera and Ballet from the canal.

Wooden bridges on the canal.

You can see seven bridges through here. 

A 3 tiered bicycle rack outside the train station. 

The public library with a beautiful view on the 7th floor and a great cafeteria. 

The windmills were used to pump water out of the rivers to reclaim land called poulder. 

A Beginhof women's community 

We saw lots of windmills as we cruised the river to Colgne. 

Our weekly schedule. 


  1. I love the bike rack on the wonder they are so fit and healthy! I wonder how many bikers smoke weed and ride their bike. Your room on the Amacerto looks cozy and you must be excited about yet another cruise! Can't wait to see Basel and Zurich photos. You might see snow for Christmas!

  2. I wonder how many bikes that rack held. It sure looks different than a bike rack in America!

  3. Between those gigantic amaryllis bulbs and Jim's soon to be raised giant pumpkins, we could really scare the neighbors. I would like a windmill in our yard. I think they are mesmerizing and so peaceful looking. And perhaps on a gusty day it could take out a few of those messy geese...
