Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Amsterdam Resistance Museum, Magna Plaza and Dessert

Loving that tram! We are on our way to the Resistance Museum.

Can't get over the beauty of the canals and buildings

I finally consented to having my picture taken IN the shoe. Tom would not give up!

A fine dessert -waffle, chocolate, whipped cream and strawberries. Only a half block from our hotel. 

The Resistance Museum - we spent four hours here. 


The only shoes Patricia ever wore. Wooden bottom shoes with straps. 


  1. The Resistance Museum looks very interesting. I didn't know they had that there. The dessert looks tasty! Glad you didn't pass it up. Nice pic in the shoe, Gramsy!

  2. Jim is hoping for a 'to go" order on that waffle creation. The museum looks like one of those where I would be happy that I was there and learned so much, but sad that people made other people's lives so awful and hard and dangerous. So glad that Kit and Emily and Kevin got to spend time with you! Such great memories for Kit and for all of you!

  3. I remember seeing the Resistance Museum in 1972 when I was there with Michael.
    So much history there and a much different culture than anywhere else. My mouth is watering at the sight of that chocolate waffle! I have memories of the hula pie we had in Hawaii!!!
