Thursday, March 13, 2014

National Gallery of Art, Arts Center of Melbourne and the Sky Deck

A special exhibit of the Beatles visit to Australia 50 years ago. It was so much fun.

The beautiful Arts Center of Melbourne

We took a guided tour here at the National Gallery of Victoria. This building was built to the specifications of the ark.

There is a complete water wall as you come into the museum.

A geodesic dome made out of trash bins from IKEA with plants growing in them that only need air and sunlight to grow.

Ceiling of the great hall in the museum.

A beautiful collection of art.

A Rembrandt






View of Melbourne from the 88th floor of the Sky tower.

The Yarra river snaking through the city.

The Rod Laver stadium. There are Many many courts outside the stadium that are used during the Melbourne Open.

The Arts Center and the National Gallery

Dinner at the adorable Irish Pub.


  1. What great pics from the museums! Love the IKEA recycling one. And glad you got the Rod Laver stadium--all quiet there now after the Australian Open.

  2. Your photos of the bank are incredible...I know we have nothing that can compare in the U.S. You have seen so many wonderful places. What is a footy game?
