Sunday, March 9, 2014

Fire Alarm at 7 am and a day of rest

Interesting 24hours.  At 7 am we had a LOUD alarm in our room beeping and then an announcement that we must evacuate the building immediately.  We jumped out of bed, grabbed oru passports, wallets, medications, and put some clothes on. We headed for the stairwell with everyone else and walked down 15 flights of steps along with all of the others... It was like something out of a movie.  People were in all stages of dress, some with no shoes, some in their bathrobes, some just really out of it.  Anyway, it was tough getting down those stairs and when we got outside, the alarm was turned off and the fire department gave the direction to go back in. Hm.. It took quite awhile to get everyone back up on the 6 elevators.  We sat and waited as my legs were shaking and there was no way I could stand in line for the elevators.  When we did get back to our room,  I didn't leave for another 12 hours.  I slept all afternoon.  We went out to get something to eat in the evening, a great little Italian place with super lasagna and then back to the hotel.  The weather turned very hot again so we really didn't miss much.  I guess it was just a good day to rest up. 

This is a darling pub across the street from our hotel that has 18 beers on tap! 

Our upgraded executive apartment

Check our the bathroom. Surely, the most unusual one of the trip

Our morning wake up call.

The Moomba Fireworks from our hotel window.

We watched Australian rules "Footy" Football on TV. The game was between the Cottingwood and Richmond. The friends from Melbourne, Di and Murray, have a son Alex who plays on the Richmond team and it was fun to see him play and his team won!  The game is really a fast one,no time outs, lots of kicking, and dribbling the football, and passing like you would hit a volleyball. 


  1. You must qualify for the most up-grades in history! You have a magnificent view of the city now...and you deserve it after the raucous night of your neighbors. As I've said before, you should write a book about this trip. And there's more ahead. Love the Moomba Festival too.

  2. What does Moomba mean? Just curious!

  3. I'll have to tell the girls that 15 flights of stairs is way worse then when they just had the fire alarm go off at Lawrence during swim team a couple weeks ago and had to walk out in the snow in their suits & bare feet!
    Love you guys!
    Megan (Hussey) Harris
