Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Last days in Hobart and a fond farewell to Australia

Our last day in Hobart was spent at the market.  They had over 300 booths with just amazing hand made items from Tasmania and delightful food. The weather was perfect, already feeling a bit like fall there. These pipers are from Tasmania and they regularly perform around Australia.

Some of the booths at the market.

Taking a break at the market.

Greek Fest was also going on during the market and we enjoyed this donuts and the women who happily made them.

The day before we left to fly home, I dropped my ipad and it was not readable. It did turn on and the programs came up but the pictures and graphics were all scrambled. I took it into an Apple Store in Hobart and they declared it inoperable. So sad... So I put it into my checked luggage since it didn't work anyway and I didn't want to carry it on and around on our 6 hour layover in Vancouver, BC.  When I got it out to show Ramon and to talk about what to do to get a new one, aa miracle happened. The picture was resstored except for a small "ruffle" type effect at the bottom of the screen. So... there are miracles in the sky!

Happy to be back in CAmas, WA just in time for the dedication of their beautiful new community building dedication.  

A beautiful spring day in Camas.

Lacamas Lake, Camas, WA

Looking for the biggest pinecones.

We have really enjoyed sharing our trip with you all and of course will continue our travels on our blog.  We will be here in Washington until April 15 and will spend Joseph's spring break with him.  We will then be in Houston until April 28 when we fly back to Green Bay and will be home in Door County.  We appreciate hearing from so many of you who posted comments on the blog, sent us emails and of course the mail we received too.  It was a once in a life time adventure that we waited 45 years to take. How sweet it was.


  1. It's never too late to fulfill your dreams...you certainly did!! Tasmania will be on my list when I go "down under". Is that a beer Tom is drinking at the market...that's my kind of market! Welcome home to the good ole USA!

  2. So glad you had the time of your lives on your Australian/New Zealand adventure! Thanks for spending time with us in Camas before heading home!
