Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Last days in Hobart and a fond farewell to Australia

Our last day in Hobart was spent at the market.  They had over 300 booths with just amazing hand made items from Tasmania and delightful food. The weather was perfect, already feeling a bit like fall there. These pipers are from Tasmania and they regularly perform around Australia.

Some of the booths at the market.

Taking a break at the market.

Greek Fest was also going on during the market and we enjoyed this donuts and the women who happily made them.

The day before we left to fly home, I dropped my ipad and it was not readable. It did turn on and the programs came up but the pictures and graphics were all scrambled. I took it into an Apple Store in Hobart and they declared it inoperable. So sad... So I put it into my checked luggage since it didn't work anyway and I didn't want to carry it on and around on our 6 hour layover in Vancouver, BC.  When I got it out to show Ramon and to talk about what to do to get a new one, aa miracle happened. The picture was resstored except for a small "ruffle" type effect at the bottom of the screen. So... there are miracles in the sky!

Happy to be back in CAmas, WA just in time for the dedication of their beautiful new community building dedication.  

A beautiful spring day in Camas.

Lacamas Lake, Camas, WA

Looking for the biggest pinecones.

We have really enjoyed sharing our trip with you all and of course will continue our travels on our blog.  We will be here in Washington until April 15 and will spend Joseph's spring break with him.  We will then be in Houston until April 28 when we fly back to Green Bay and will be home in Door County.  We appreciate hearing from so many of you who posted comments on the blog, sent us emails and of course the mail we received too.  It was a once in a life time adventure that we waited 45 years to take. How sweet it was.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Launceston, the Tamar Wine Valley, Low Head and Ross

Full moon over Diamond Island while waiting to see the fairy penguins. Nope, we did not see any...

More winding roads through the mountains.

Stillwater Restaurant. REcommended by Emily. Yes, it was AMAZING.

The view from Stillwater.

A selfie on the chairlift. A beautiful day.

Views from the chairlift.

Our retreat at the Tamar 

Dinner in Rosevears at the local pub.

Grapes on the vines at the TAmar.

A wallaby in the vineyard.

A swiss village close to our retreat. WE had a tasty breakfast there.

THe low head at the mouth of the TAmar River.

An outside view of our retreat at the Tamar vineyard.

It isn't shrimp on the barbie but it is sausage.

The midlands back to Hobart.

This little baby Wallaby was in the drive when we left the vineyard. So cute.

Ross. A Heritage Village the site of the women's prison when they were sent from Great Britain in the early 1800's/

Beautiful wool and wood store.

Vanilla Squares at the Village Bakery in Ross. Yes, it was VERY good.

The rain finally came to Tasmania. They have had a real draught.

THE Macquarie Manor Guest Hotel in Hobart.

Frecinyet National Park, Diamond Island and on to Lauceston

Harpers on the Bay. Our views.

The Road to Frecinyet National Park.NO shoulder on the road, very few guard rails and barely two lane. Yup, it was WAY exciting.

Had to take a picture. There is no way to describe the sky here.

Vineyards and WAlnut groves.

The red granite mountains in Freycinet National Park

A"selfie" but only I turned out!

Our new digs at the Diamond Island Resort.

A close up photo of a tassie. (No, I did not take the photo)

Beautiful watercolors. Not mine but surely inspiring.

This is diamond island. You can walk to it when the tide is out.

Star fish on the beach.

View of our resort from Diamond Island.