Monday, January 5, 2015

Torremolinos, Costa del Sol, Spain

Torremolinos, Costa del Sol, Spain

Tasty treats in a bakery in Torremolinos, The Feast of the Three Kings -one of the kings at the outdoor square on January 5, and ice skating in a square in town at 65 degrees.

Our hotel, The MS Aramagua. 

An artist on the beach making personalized necklaces, A  beautiful statute in the square on the beach, and really cool paddle boats for rent with slides on them. 

The Mediterranean Sea

Sand castle, downtown shopping street in Torremolinos, and squid at a restaurant. 


  1. Love the quintessential Spanish black cat looking out over the water! Are you guys going to rent one of those cool paddle boats?

  2. Can't believe somewhere in the world it's sunny and warm! Glad to hear you love the people and the food! Post a photo of your room and the indoors of the resort!
    I might want to stay there next winter.

  3. Did you us e the paddle boats? Glad you are in warm and sunny because here it is -10 and now it just snowed a boatload. Milwaukee, Kenosha and Racine schools and others closed for a second day, but we are a tough group in Muskego! Onward with the learning! Glad you are not in France this day either. So much sadness and bitterness and desperate people in the world. The kids and I had a really good talk about this today. They are good kids and in them I have so much faith things can get better! Enjoy that sunshine and keep up the good learning!
