Thursday, January 22, 2015

Saying goodbye to my father

Joseph M. DeNoble
7/25/1918 - 1/21/2015

Everyone who knew my father had a different relationship with him. 
As an adult, mine was a complicated relationship which was never easy, simple or unconditional. 
He could be painfully controlling, argumentative, always always right, demanding, unappreciative, and he knew just what to say to reduce me to tears or howling anger. 
Yet, other times he would be tender, humourous, empathetic, generous, appreciative and forgiving and those were precious times.

I know that since Mom died, he was never again really happy or at peace. 
He was lost without her, not in a helpless way, but in an emotional way.  He lost his sense of purpose.

 I knew he loved me and I loved him. 
The last time I talked with him on face time from  Spain, a few days before he died, 
he said he loved me. 
He asked that I tell Tom that he has been a wonderful son in law. 

As a child, I thought of my father as dependable, responsible, and fervent in his faith in God.  
He was an usher at St. Therese, active in the Holy Name Men's Club and a life long member of the Knights of Columbus. He went to mass regularly and prayed daily.
 I believe that if there is a heaven, he is there with his God, mom and his beloved family. 

My father gave me many gifts.

The best-  my sisters and brothers.

Loyalty to family and the importance of taking care of each other.

A strong work ethic.

A liberal political view and a belief in social justice.  

A strong sense of patriotistm

The value of an education along with an exceptional K-12 and College education.

A blueprint on how to enjoy retirement. His was a LONG one, over 30 years. 

The love of travel.

(and a full head of hair at 96)

Good bye Dad.  
Hug Mom for me. 
I love you.

Kit made this for Gramps 96 birthday. 

Happy 96. 

96th brithday. 

August 2014.

Looking good. 

Christmas 2014 

Two weeks later in the hospital reading the Patient's Rights Booklet :)


  1. I never met your dad, but feel like I knew him anyway, so my relationship is a simple I one. I will always be grateful to your dad (and mom) for giving the world YOU. Jim and I are sending you and Tom hugs and our love. We are glad for your dad to be up there in heaven with your mom and all the others he has missed for so long. He had good long life here on Earth, and now is time for some peace and purpose again. Take care and know we are keeping you in our hearts.

  2. A very nice tribute to Gramps. We will surely miss him very very much.

  3. What a beautiful good-bye to Dad. I echo your sentiments about Dad... a good man who loved his country, his wife, children, brothers and sisters, grandkids and great grands! Thanks for sharing this with all of us. Ciao!
