Monday, January 12, 2015

A trip to the Rock of Gibralter, UK

A great violin concert at our favorite restaurant - The Canto del Agua

Gibralter, UK

A mosque near the Rock - there were 9,000 Morrocans who came to Gibralter to work after Franco closed the Spainish border and prevented the Spanish from working in Gibralter when the referendum failed to have Gibralter revert back to Spain.  A mosque was built for the Muslim Morrocans. 

The Rock, A light house on the point and a very windy day. 


Quite a view of Gibralter from the rock.

These tailess monkeys were brought by sailors to Gibralter during the 18th century. There are about 240 of them on the rock and they all have a name.  This inquistive monkey reached out to touch the cord on my jacket. 

A Statue commemorating the defense of Gibralter during WWII.  There are extensive tunnels  under the rock built by the Canadians for possible defense and hospitals - they were never needed. 

The home of the govenor is a former convent. 
Tom is checking out a square on the main street of Gibralter.  Good news: I found yarn in Gibralter. I had run out of my stash I bought in Brussels and was in a sheer panic!


  1. That rock looks amazing, so I'll bet in person it is beyond amazing!

  2. Looks like an amazing place and sunny to boot! Onward to Seville!

  3. How very British! Glad you found the yarn. You can start a new project. You didn't feed that monkey any Digestives, did you?

    Mini-Duke arrived yesterday--gracias!
