Friday, October 31, 2014

Vienna, Day 3, Friday, October 31,2014- Hapy Halloween!

The breakfast of Champions at Der Man Bakery

We did one load of wash. It cost 10. Eur. (over 10.00)  At home we pay 1.25. Just to give you a perspective on Europe and the U.S. This machine does the wash and dry and also supplies the soap and fabric softener.

Haven't tried it yet!

St. Stephens Cathedral

Vienna sausages
A tour of the Vienna Opera House. 150 years old. Some of it was destroyed by bomobs during WWII and rebuilt in the 1950's.

One day per year in February, they take out all of the seats in the Opera House and put in a floor to have the opera ball. It is quite spectacular.  One of  the rooms in the opera house has tapestries on the wall of the Magic Flute. They are lovely.


  1. OK--Jim's question came one day too early! I just showed Jim the picture of the Vienna have not disappointed him in your food adventures! I am with Emily on the question today...How is Tom's knee?
