Sunday, October 26, 2014

Munich - Day 2, Sunday, October 26, 2014

Today HAS to be the LOWEST point of our trip. As you can see, we are still in Munich. Not planned.

We got up today, after a great night of restful sleep, had breakfast which was included in our room rate, and headed for the train station two blocks away. We got our tickets to Innsbruck and boarded the train and that was the last part of the day that was planned...

Kathy fell in the train when backing up in the aisle to let another passenger pass by. She broke her femur on her left leg, the same leg she shattered her tibia in late July when she fell painting her daughter's house. She got the ok to put her full weight on her leg three days before they left for this trip.  The surgeon today told her that her leg was weak due to the screw holes in her femur that held the rods on the outside of her leg prior to her second surgery on her tibia.

She was in surgery three hours today and we saw her this evening after she was in recovery for over an hour. We got a room for us and Gene just two blocks from the Univeristy Hospital which is close to the central city in Munich.  She is not in pain and is resting comfortably. Her German room mate spoke English so she was translating for the hospital staff and Kathy and Gene. Kathy will be in the hospital in Munich for 5-10 days and then will not be able to travel until they are sure there will be no blood clots.  

We plan to stay in Munich until Tuesday when we will resume our travels. We will skip Innsbruck and head to Vienna.

We feel so bad for Kathy and Gene. They looked forward to their trip for over a year. We sure will miss them.

Map and picture of our hotel across from the train station

Tom in the ambulance - our ride from the train station to the hospital.

They sell beer at the caferia in the hospital


  1. So sorry to hear about Cathy's accident and surgery. You must all feel devastated.
    I hope they will be all right after you leave and make it back home without incident.
    Godspeed to all.

  2. Wow, that is incredible. What a terrible thing. Give Kathy and Gene our wishes for brighter days ahead.

  3. She has had some terrible luck. :(

  4. Just sat down to take in your blog and your trip so far and my heart is breaking for Kathy (and Gene and all of you). Prayers coming Kathy's way for a smooth and strong recovery.
