Saturday, October 25, 2014

Munich. Saturday, October, 25,2014

Ready or not, here we come Munich. Our trip over on United was delayed four hours due to toidy problems.  We both watched Monuments Men about the art works stolen by the Nazis during WWII.  It was particularly interesting because we will be in Ghent, Brussels, and Amsterdam.  We met Gene and Kathy at the airport, they were patiently waiting four hours.  Kathy is in a wheel chair due to her broken tibia this past summer.  We will all help to make sure she can enjoy the trip.  We took a bus to the Munich Central train station and our hotel the Europaischer Hof is directly across from the station.

Once we were settled in, we took a walking tour of the central area of Munich to the Marianplatz.
Beautiful architecture in Munich including the famous Glockenspeil

Fun at the Hof Brau House.  We had dinner with a young man from Russia (23) who lives close to the Finnish border


  1. Better late than never! Glad you made it safe and sound!

  2. Did your dinner companion know Tiina?

  3. That should have been our first question. He did look like her but he did not spit anything in his napkin...

  4. So sorry to hear about Cathy's accident and surgery. They must be devastated.
    I hope they will be okay after you leave. Godspeed to all!

  5. Tom better behave with those statues so you don't end up in jail.
