Friday, October 31, 2014

Vienna, Day 3, Friday, October 31,2014- Hapy Halloween!

The breakfast of Champions at Der Man Bakery

We did one load of wash. It cost 10. Eur. (over 10.00)  At home we pay 1.25. Just to give you a perspective on Europe and the U.S. This machine does the wash and dry and also supplies the soap and fabric softener.

Haven't tried it yet!

St. Stephens Cathedral

Vienna sausages
A tour of the Vienna Opera House. 150 years old. Some of it was destroyed by bomobs during WWII and rebuilt in the 1950's.

One day per year in February, they take out all of the seats in the Opera House and put in a floor to have the opera ball. It is quite spectacular.  One of  the rooms in the opera house has tapestries on the wall of the Magic Flute. They are lovely.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Vienna - Oh so beautiful - October 28 to November 2

We arrived in Vienna on Tuesday, October 28. It was very hard to say goodbye to Gene and Kathy.  Leaving them behind was sad. We had all planned this trip for such a long time and had high hopes for more good times together in Europe. It was late when we arrived and we disappointed to see our hotel was not in the city circle and it is also completely wrapped in scaffolding. When you look out our window, you see wooden scaffolding and chicken wire! Not the quaint European hotel in the city center.- we had expected.

The following day, Wednesday, we were picked up at our hotel, the Marriott Renaissance Wein for a city tour. Our guide, Gabriella did a fine job translating in both German and English. We got a real feel for the city center and our bearings as to where our hotel is located. The Schonbrunn Palace was beautiful as was our tasty apple strudel.

We ended the tour at the Belvedere Palace and we walked the gardens, past the Russian Soldier fountain and statue and on to the Opera House. We purchased tickets for a Mozart /Strauss Concert for the evening.

Following the tour, we walked to the Austria State Library via many side streets and plazas.  The library was interesting and beautiful.

We had dinner at a very traditional Austrian Restaurant, Landtmanns, build in the late 1800's. Tom had goulash, and I had four different types of sausage.

Then on to the concert at the Palais Auersperg. The orchestra played alone and also accompanied two opera singers as well as a ballet perfromance.  A stratavias violin was played by a woman in the orchestra.  Very well done.

Thursday, we took a bus to Bratislava, the capitol of Slovakia. It was a quick start for us as our alarm clock did not go off and we were called by the desk as our car had arrived. We had five minutes to get dressed and ready to go.  Our guide, Veira was very knowledgeable and we learned so much about the history of this small country, about the size of Switzerland.  We had a traditional lunch which had a delious cheese starter, it was a creamy soft cheese log rolled up in a slice of cheese and then spread on bread. The meal was chicken goulash for Tom and a vegetarian broccoli and rice dish for me. Both were tasty.

Following the tour, we had some free time to wander around the city and then we took a high speed Cataraman back to Vienna on the Danube.  When we arrived back, we took the underground back to our hotel.  Now we feel like locals!  We shopped at the local grocery, the Billa, and had dinner in our room: fresh strawberries, bread and cheese and cornichons.
Map of the central city ring of Vienna

City tour of Vienna with our guide Gabriella, Tom with his apple strudel and me in front of Schonbrunn Palace.

Schonbrunn Palace

Many buildings in the Schonbrunn - over 1,000 rooms. 

The Belvedere Palace

Statue of the Russian Soldier in Vienna and the fountain in front of it.

Whimsical touches in Vienna
Happy Halloween

Some of the statues in fountains and on the top of buildings.

Goethe statue, small courtyard 

Sate Hall Library

Street scenes in Vienna

Bratislava, Slovakia
Our guide Viera, the Slovakian flag, and the city map 

What a beautiful city

Rubbing the head of the statue for good luck.

Gwen and Ramon, check out the coffee wagon, perfect for Hawaii.


Children's art center, American Embassy

The old fortified wall, a tribute to the Jewish people who lived in Bratislava before the war. There were millions living there before the war and now less than half a million.

This church was the site of many Hungarian coronations.
Halloween in Bratislava.

Vienna by night.  Mozart /Strauss concert and the restaurant where we had dinner.

Beautiful old church, Parliament building at night.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Munich, Monday, October 27,2014

Day two of the unfortunate accident. 

Kathy is in good hands. She is in a teaching hospital where there are plenty of helping hands. She saw her surgeon today and the break was a "clean break" but the bones  had shifted apart. 

She had an amazing "angel" room mate who left today. Alexandra spoke very good English and translated for Kathy and the staff. She is a gentle spirit who immediately took Kathy and Gene into her heart. She was in the hospital because she had a car accident last week and hurt her hand and knee. 

There are very kind nurses and staff at the hospital but you definitely have to speak up for yourself to get the kind of care we are accustomed to in the U.S.

Gene is getting familiar with the area and he and Tom went to the train station today to get their refund for their train tickets.  The hotel is only two blocks from the train station. There are plenty of restaurants within two blocks. We went to a kabob place last night that had northern Iraq food and today Gene and Tom went to a Vietnamese place for Tom's favorite Pho Bo. Both of them were happy with their selection :)

Kathy is in pretty good spirits today in spite of her considerable and understandable disappointment. 

The room she is in has three beds and there is another patient in there now. She is a young woman who had a plate and screws removed from her arm. She will not be staying long. It is my guess that Kathy will have many room mates while in the hospital. It is a very busy hospital.  The bathrooms are down the hall and they will start physical therapy right away to be able to have Kathy get up and go to the bathroom. She will be very fearful of falling again (rightly so)  

Their cell phone is working and there is a seven hour time difference. Gene has the phone with him if you want to call him.

We are leaving tomorrow to continue our travels. We will be skipping Innsbruck as planned and are taking the train to Vienna to resume our schedule and bookings. 

Take care and greetings from Munich.

The north Iraq Kabob restaurant in our neighborhood

Kathy sends her regards. She is really looking so much better today.

Pat Heller

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Munich - Day 2, Sunday, October 26, 2014

Today HAS to be the LOWEST point of our trip. As you can see, we are still in Munich. Not planned.

We got up today, after a great night of restful sleep, had breakfast which was included in our room rate, and headed for the train station two blocks away. We got our tickets to Innsbruck and boarded the train and that was the last part of the day that was planned...

Kathy fell in the train when backing up in the aisle to let another passenger pass by. She broke her femur on her left leg, the same leg she shattered her tibia in late July when she fell painting her daughter's house. She got the ok to put her full weight on her leg three days before they left for this trip.  The surgeon today told her that her leg was weak due to the screw holes in her femur that held the rods on the outside of her leg prior to her second surgery on her tibia.

She was in surgery three hours today and we saw her this evening after she was in recovery for over an hour. We got a room for us and Gene just two blocks from the Univeristy Hospital which is close to the central city in Munich.  She is not in pain and is resting comfortably. Her German room mate spoke English so she was translating for the hospital staff and Kathy and Gene. Kathy will be in the hospital in Munich for 5-10 days and then will not be able to travel until they are sure there will be no blood clots.  

We plan to stay in Munich until Tuesday when we will resume our travels. We will skip Innsbruck and head to Vienna.

We feel so bad for Kathy and Gene. They looked forward to their trip for over a year. We sure will miss them.

Map and picture of our hotel across from the train station

Tom in the ambulance - our ride from the train station to the hospital.

They sell beer at the caferia in the hospital

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Munich. Saturday, October, 25,2014

Ready or not, here we come Munich. Our trip over on United was delayed four hours due to toidy problems.  We both watched Monuments Men about the art works stolen by the Nazis during WWII.  It was particularly interesting because we will be in Ghent, Brussels, and Amsterdam.  We met Gene and Kathy at the airport, they were patiently waiting four hours.  Kathy is in a wheel chair due to her broken tibia this past summer.  We will all help to make sure she can enjoy the trip.  We took a bus to the Munich Central train station and our hotel the Europaischer Hof is directly across from the station.

Once we were settled in, we took a walking tour of the central area of Munich to the Marianplatz.
Beautiful architecture in Munich including the famous Glockenspeil

Fun at the Hof Brau House.  We had dinner with a young man from Russia (23) who lives close to the Finnish border

Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 9-24,2014. Houston fun!

                                            Lunch at St.John's with Kit -second grade - Ms. Simpson

Miss Maeve -19 months

Our sweet hearts.
Kit was a model for the American Girl Style Show. 
 The purple blouse was made by Gramsy and Kit in the summer in Door County. 

Only in Houston

fun times 

Abby and Maeve

Halloween decoration fun. Papa and Gramsy and Kit made this.