Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hello From Melbourne - Thursday, February 27, 2014

A Beautiful city. A difference atmosphere than Sydney or Brisbane. Can't put my finger on it right now. We are a block from China Town (very interesting and great places to eat) , two blocks from Greek Town the other direction and very close to little Italy. So we are in for some tasty treats.

Today we took a bus trip around the city and saw all the places we want to go back to. Lots of museums and beautiful parks.  We also bought tickets to see Grease live at the Queen Victoria Theater on our block. That will be on Wednesday.

Will post some photos tomorrow and more details on the city.


  1. Glad you get to see a live theater performance! The gift shop at the Art Museum has good souvenirs. That's where I got Papa his boomerang and some coasters that I think I gave to MJ.

  2. I love the coasters from Melbourne that Gwen gave me many years ago! Seeing Grease is a perfect play for our generation! I can't wait to hear more about the city and all of your adventures there. How are your digs?
