Friday, January 10, 2014

Dusky, Doubtful, and Milford sounds, NZ

Absolutley beautiful.  These fiords are beyond belief.   We cruised through these three fiords today. The most impressive was Milford. They dwarfed our ship. We sat in the Sky Lounge most of the day to be able to see everything.

The fiords.

The next two days are at sea on our way to Tasmania. Our days will be spent going to lectures about Tasmania, the Aboriginals, reading, knitting, swimming, EATING, and sleeping in.  The ship really is beautiful and the people are friendly. The service is beyond compare.

Next port is Hobart, Tasmania.


  1. Here's hoping you get to see one of the devils!

  2. Who knew there were fiords in that part of the world? I am learning so much from your blog...can't wait to see the photos.
