Friday, February 27, 2015

Monsaraz - not to be missed!

We hired a taxi to take us to this hill top town.  In the 8th century it was occupied by the Muslim invaders.  In 1167 it was conquered from the Muslims but was taken back again until 1232 when it was given t the Order of the Temple. It is completely fortified since the 12th century.  It is rich with wine and handicrafts. It is surrounded by The Great Lake, a artficial lake which porvides drinking water to 200,000 people.

Small village streets

The fortified castle is still used for bull fights in August. 

1 comment:

  1. You have uncovered a jewel! So charming and picturesque. I hope you are ready for re-entry into the USA via Houston! Can't wait to see you next week and hear more about your adventures in Portugal.
