Thursday, February 12, 2015

Eastern Algarve - Faro, Olhao,Tavira, Cacela Velha, Monte Gordo, Vila Real de Santo Antonio

Our first stop on this tour was Faro, the capital of the Algarve province with its 13th century city center.  A tour through their cathedral and museum was first on the list.

If you look very closely, you will see storks in their nest on the top of the bell tower. They are huge imposing birds.

These are scenes from Olhao, a key fishing town and important fish and fruit markets. 

This is the city center of Vila Real de Santo Antonio which is the border town with Spain which is separated by the mouth of the Guardiana river. You can take a ferry boat across to Spain.  We ate lunch in this little town. 

This is the historic town of Cacela Velha which is protected from building. No new buildings may be built and the existing buildings must remain in their historic states. There is a cathedral, the remaining castle wall, beautiful ocean views, and this sculpture. 

Tavira has a 4th century Roman bridge across the river and many churches (23) along with remains from their castle and gardens. 

Plants in Tavira - bottom is a pointsettia tree. 

The Roman bridge and view of the city from the castle walls. 

1 comment:

  1. The churches remind me of Brazil...always white exterior and ornate altars. Simply beautiful. Amazing how green everything is in the middle of winter! You are not leaving any stone unturned in your sightseeing! Lovely!
