Thursday, March 20, 2014

Launceston, the Tamar Wine Valley, Low Head and Ross

Full moon over Diamond Island while waiting to see the fairy penguins. Nope, we did not see any...

More winding roads through the mountains.

Stillwater Restaurant. REcommended by Emily. Yes, it was AMAZING.

The view from Stillwater.

A selfie on the chairlift. A beautiful day.

Views from the chairlift.

Our retreat at the Tamar 

Dinner in Rosevears at the local pub.

Grapes on the vines at the TAmar.

A wallaby in the vineyard.

A swiss village close to our retreat. WE had a tasty breakfast there.

THe low head at the mouth of the TAmar River.

An outside view of our retreat at the Tamar vineyard.

It isn't shrimp on the barbie but it is sausage.

The midlands back to Hobart.

This little baby Wallaby was in the drive when we left the vineyard. So cute.

Ross. A Heritage Village the site of the women's prison when they were sent from Great Britain in the early 1800's/

Beautiful wool and wood store.

Vanilla Squares at the Village Bakery in Ross. Yes, it was VERY good.

The rain finally came to Tasmania. They have had a real draught.

THE Macquarie Manor Guest Hotel in Hobart.


  1. Will you be bringing a walaby home with you? What a cutie! Tom fits in so well there with his barbie skills. And that tassie is downright ugly...don't bring one of those home.

  2. Your digs at the vineyard look inviting and chic!

    So glad you ended the trip on a high note with the sights of Tasmania!
