Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sevilla, Spain

More artwork from home. Hurrah Joseph.

Scenes from the train from Malaga to Sevilla. Millions of acres of orange trees and olive trees and spectacular canyons through the mountains.

Beautiful buildings from the Expo 1929 in Sevilla.

The palace and the fortification from the 15th centurey to control the river. 

Upper right, Another Calatrava bridge creation for the 1992 Expo.  The brick stack is a pottery kiln. Other arial scenes from the department store 6th floor. 

A wonderful Mexican restaurant in Seveilla department store. 

The Catherdral, the third largest in Europe. 

This is the tomb of Christopher Columbus held by four kings of Spain.

More pics of the Cathedral.

1 comment:

  1. Is this the place where there is some big monument to Columbus? It seems like I saw pictures of this from someone else who travelled here. I could also be totally off base here! I bet the artwork from Sir Joseph makes you feel so loved!
