Monday, December 15, 2014

Last day in Brussels. Thanks Maureen for a Great Week!

A tour of the Brussels Opera House

The costumes Department and a hoop skirt Christmas tree

A mini stage

The Opera house inside

A group of very earnest drummers from the poor neighborhood in Brussels.  This is a program for the children.

Learning how to skate on Brussels

A Christmas tree made out of books

Little Thai Prince in Amsterdam. Highly recommended by Trip Advisor, Yelp, AND the clerk at the RHO. Very good. 


  1. I love the Christmas tree made out of books! Such an ingenious thing of beauty.
    I wonder which books they chose. I bet you will miss Belgium -- it has been like home for you with Maureen. I am sure she will adopt you for life!

  2. I agree with MJ that the book tree is very cool! And I like the photos of the Opera House! Looks like a lot of fun!

  3. Our librarian made a tree like that in our library this year! The hoop skirt tree --I thought is was a fancy umbrella.
