Saturday, November 30, 2013

Fun in Houston

Our days are busy and we are enjoying the kids and grandkids.

We have been to two Christmas plays with Kit, " The Best Christmas Pagent" and "Pass it on Christmas"

We took in Kit's swim team practice and were not surprised to see her outswim all of her team mates. She is a natural swimmer, strong too. She has always loved the water. She is always constructing something (see her robot).  We also bake together. She really LOVES that.

Tom went to the Rice Football game with Em, Kevin, and Kit along with friends.

We cheered on the stars on the Dancing with the Stars finale.  Kit was rooting for Corbin and Karina but we all agreed that it was a win win regardless of who won. We are happy that Jack brought an awareness for MS to a wider audience.  His attitude was very inspiring.

We babysat for Maeve a few times and she was as good as gold.  She loves to swing at the park and also play with her toys.  She is a real smiler and enjoyes just about everything. We also made a visit to her adorable daycare, Esperanza.  Attached is a picture of her with one of her teachers.

Kit has been sleeping with us in the guest apartment and she, papa, and I find ourselves giggling, reading, and staying up way too late.

We had a art sale for MS and sold handmade itmes from about 10 screwballs.  The latest tally was 1600.00  We sold ornaments, jewlery, scarves,  cards, a birdhouse, Christmas bags, reversible shopping bags, hair clips and head bands.  Em had lots of friends come to buy and enjoy the afternoon with wine and cheese.

Our Thanksgiving meal was quite different this year as it was primarily vegan.  Lots of different dishes to try.  Friends dropped by for dessert and there were plenty of treats to choose from.

The weather here has surely been better than Wisconsin but it was cold and rainy for the first week.  The second week is much improved and Kit and I even went swimming in their pool last night!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Playing with Maeve -8 mos.old

Fun in Houston at Grandparents Day at St. Johns

Grandparents Day at school - my very favorite holiday of the year.  We always look forward to meeting Kit's teachers and spending time at school.  This year the K- 3 put on a patriotic singing and speaking program that was terrific.  Grandma Haggard was with us and we enjoed her company at the big event.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Leaving Wisconsin Behind

November 21, 2013

We took a  shuttle from Sturgeon Bay to the Green Bay Airport and got a great surpise.  Gene, Kathy, and Grae were there to give us big hugs to send us off on our five month adventure.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sailing in Sturgeon Bay, WI - Summer 2013

We had a GREAT summer learning how to sail the Flying Scott at the Sturgeon Bay Sail Training School.  On our fourth lesson we were ready to go it on our own and on our last and eighth lesson we took Kit out on the channel.  

Monday, November 4, 2013

Check it out.  We have created a blog so that you can stay in touch with us while we are on the go.