Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Ready to GO AGAIN!

Having had a BIG snow storm two days ago, we are ready for some sun and beach. We are heading to Orange Breach, AL for three weeks and then on to Houston for some time with the grands!  

Our travels to Europe will start after a 3 four day stop in New York City with lots of fun planned.  March 29 we will fly to Lisbon and then on to Dublin to start our tour of Ireland with the Irish Shop and Megan O'Meara.

You are welcome to follow our travels as we take in Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, A BALTIC CRUISE which will include Finland, St. Petersburgh, Russia, Tallin, Estonia, Gdansk, Poland, Berlin, Germany, Copenhagen and Alborg Denmark, Stavanger, Eidfjord, Bergen and Oslo Norway.   

We are off tomorrow February, driving to Alabama.

Update: The trip to New York and Europe  was cancelled due to Covid.